First, I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm a person. Then maybe I'll convince myself that I'm an actress.

Hello friends.
bila baca blog kawan kita sorang ni rasa macam whoaa * . she's got that right. idon'tknow. ramai sangat yang macam suka cerita pasal boyfriend or girlfriend dia. oh okay maybe mereka artis yang perlukan publisiti and nak bagitau kat peminat peminat diorang.but bila dah putus tak sampai satu bulan and had a NEWboyfriend, they published the story. wtheck. oh maybe nak beritahu yang dia tak perlukan pasangan lama mereka and cerita yang konon pasangan mereka tu LOSER. ohmygodd guys **please suruh your boy/girlfriend sign kat notebook i. i nak autograph. so popular okay *eh terBusybody nya^^HAHA oh andand kenapa sekarang makin ramai orang dating sana sini. but, guys its okay. saya tak jelous dengan pasangan awak. SO please bila date tu tak payah buat muka macam ''hey this is my girlfriend/boyfriend. kenapa nak pandang kita tahu lah boy/girlfriend kita handsome/preety macam TORRES or fashasandhamaybe :/'' nahh , we don't care about that okay. =__= chill guys, i know we all teenagers but behave ourselves. okay then saya nak cakap yang kadang kadang kita lihat orang itu baik. macam goodygoody but actually macam *^^* *oppsss*.if macam tu tak jadi nak respect. hey you know what, respect comes from people’s inner life. understand the meaning and soon you will UNDERSTAND guys. :)
take this as compliment from me =) . just want to emphasize that we are living in a big world and do know the history of your own faith. :)
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